One of our central values is a core belief in people's ability to be respectful and supportive of one another and our environment without rules and laws. This is where we frequently come into conflict with the powers-that-be and their desire to control nearly every aspect our civic landscape, where we can sit, where we can show movies, who can use public space, and how and when we can gather together as friends.
These are values we share with many Anarchists and Anarchist movements. And maybe you do too.
--Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In
Setting The Record Straight About Anarchism
Local anarchists host panel discussion about Demystifying Anarchy
On Thursday June 24th, local anarchists are hosting a panel discussion entitled "Demystifying Anarchy" to help non-anarchists understand the depth and nuance of anarchism. The event is intended for people who are curious about the philosophy, or might have questions or concerns. A flier for the event says, "Anarchists are everywhere, but who are they really? What do they actually want?" It goes on to ask, "Are they really trying to destroy everything? Don't believe the hype. Come find out for yourself."

"Anarchism is a political theory which aims to create a society within which individuals freely co-operate together as equals," according to the Anarchist FAQ. Wikipedia says that anarchism "considers the state undesirable, unnecessary and harmful." However, the Oxford Companion to Philosophy says, "there is no single defining position that all anarchists hold, and those considered anarchists at best share a certain family resemblance."
The event is organized by an ad hoc group of Santa Cruz locals from the anarchist community. The event is free, but donations to support Louden Nelson and travel expenses for panelists are appreciated.
Demystifying Anarchy:
a panel discussion with speakers, food, and Q&A
Thursday, June 24th, 6:30pm
Louden Nelson Center, Room 3
Santa Cruz, California
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